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Event Two

Our first children’s book titled Brave Kids: Short Stories to Inspire Our Future World- Changers Volume 1 was a best seller on Amazon. I was the co-author of Chapter 22 and Chapter 7, The Monkey Brain Survival Guide and Hitting It Out Of The Park in Brave Kids Volume 1 and Volume 2. These chapters are about a ten-year-old boy who struggles with sensory overload. With the support and guidance from his family, friends, and occupational therapist he becomes proactive instead of reactive when using his survival tools to problem-solve and transition to different tasks and activities. If interested in purchasing for your child or classroom go to the link below. A percent of the purchases go to the non-profit organization InkWell. Proceeds go toward helping young girls feel supported, heard, and valued through writing.

Amazon link

Brave Kids Vol. 1

Brave-Kids-Stories-Inspire-World-Changers Vol. 2

January 4

Event Three