Tips to Regulate and Align

Simple Ways For Parents to Use The (8) Senses to Prevent Chaos and Enjoy Parenthood

Welcome to Align OT‘s new blog! You’ll find educational activities, parenting tips, crafts, and family travel ideas to assist you in the prevention of sensory overload and creating a greater sense of calm while transitioning from one activity to the next. I’m Heidi, a mom of three adult children. Let's be honest! Parenting is a learn-as-you-go-along occupation. Sure... you can read all the parenting books that are available, but no child is a one-size-fits-all-all category, especially when it comes to special needs children. AND each child is unique with their own personality, individual needs, and body system. If you toss in anything into that mix, such as sensory processing challenges, trauma, or health and orthopedic impairments, the challenges become greater, and more knowledge and support are necessary. As a parent of three children and a pediatric occupational therapist for 30+ years, I have experienced a lot of what you may be struggling with as well. I started a new newsletter and blog to provide support and tools for children and their families. Recently, I have co-authored in a couple of children’s books (Brave Kids Book: Future World Changers) that provides simple and effective tools for regulating our nervous system and emotions. Please listen to this interview to learn about what I offer as one solution. This book is a must for families dealing with everyday challenges. Browse my website: for more information.

Continue following my blog for monthly tips and tools for smoother transitions, whether that means school, home, vacation, etc. If you can think of one transition that you would like smoother send me an email at and I will address it in my newsletter, blog, and podcast, W.E.L.L. Matters.

Brave Kids: Short Stories of Future World Changers

YouTube Interview: A Mindful Journey


Enjoying the holidays regulated!